The Config File 💾

SkyDriver uses a TOML file to store its configuration. The file is located at ~/.skydriver/config.toml.


For windows users, this is C:/Users/<username>/.skydriver/config.toml or $HOME/.skydriver/config.toml. But in recent times ~ also works on windows.

What Can You Configure?

Right now, you can tweak how SkyDriver makes its predictions by adjusting the weights of different bazaar indicators.

Prediction Weights

Here’s what your config file looks like:

# How important is the difference between buy and sell prices
price_spread = 0.1428571429
# How much do we care about whether more people are buying or selling
volume_imbalance = 0.1428571429
# How much do we care about the number of orders
order_imbalance = 0.1428571429
# How important is last week's trend
moving_week_trend = 0.1428571429
# How much do we look at the order book
order_book_pressure = 0.1428571429
# How much do we care about total trading volume
volume_factor = 0.1428571429
# How important is the potential profit margin
profit_margin_factor = 0.1428571429


All the weights must add up to 1.0! If they don’t, you will end up with weird and unpredictable results.

Default Values

By default, SkyDriver gives equal weight (≈0.143) to each factor. This means no single factor dominates the predictions.

Customizing Your Config

Want to make SkyDriver focus more on certain factors? Here are some example configurations:


If you want you recommendations to fill in buy orders and sell the sell orders fast:

price_spread = 0.1
volume_imbalance = 0.2
order_imbalance = 0.1
moving_week_trend = 0.1
order_book_pressure = 0.1
volume_factor = 0.3        # More weight on volume
profit_margin_factor = 0.1


If you want to focus on pure potential profit and don’t care about speed:

price_spread = 0.2
volume_imbalance = 0.1
order_imbalance = 0.1
moving_week_trend = 0.1
order_book_pressure = 0.1
volume_factor = 0.1
profit_margin_factor = 0.3  # More weight on profit

How It Works

  1. When you first run SkyDriver, it creates a default config file
    • if you want to reset your config to the defaults, just delete config.toml and SkyDriver will create a new one nex time you run it
  2. You can edit this file with any text editor (if you have a code editor like VSCode, you can use intelisense with a provided schema)
  3. SkyDriver reads this file every time it is run
  4. If there’s a problem with your config, it falls back to defaults and gives you a warning


Want to understand what each factor means? Check out the Math page for detailed explanations!

Future Plans

More config options are coming! Some ideas:

  • Custom operations on the bazaar data
  • Output themes


Got ideas for what else should be configurable? Open an issue on GitHub!